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Anatomy is a science that deals with the gross structure of the Human body, it also has 2 branches namely histology and embryology dealing with microscopic architecture of human cell and tissue, and development of a single cell to a human individual and associated anomalies. In Malla Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences the Department of Anatomy is well equipped with excellent infrastructure and learning environment with all the facilities to train a under graduate medical student. The department is headed by Dr.T.K.Rajasree, Prof & HOD, Vice-Principal academics with a 25 yrs of teaching experience for both under graduate and post graduate students. The faculty are associated with regular academic teaching programs for under graduate students in the dissection hall and histology laboratory. The department is equipped with spacious dissection hall to accommodate 150 students and 2 demonstration rooms and 1 air conditioned lecture gallery with audio visual aids with seating capacity of 180 students.

The department has a very good gross anatomy museum with a total specimens of 250, the museum has all developmental and anatomical variational specimens collected from the teaching hospital. The museum also has a collection of 50 sets of bones and 8 articulated skeletons and about 50 MRI & CT Films for academic purpose to the students.

The histology lab of the department has about 100 microscopes and about 1000 histological slides for the teaching program for the students. The lab is equipped with a port camera microscope with projection of the histological slides, and the preparation rooms for preparation and staining of the unprocessed slides.

The department has conducted a state level workshop, Genetics made simple where eminent faculty from the field of genetics and anatomy and allied sciences have participated in the event.

The faculty of the department are actively involving in regular academic events by presenting themselves in the CME and seminar programs, the faculty are involved in workshops conducted by the department of Medical Education MRIMS.

Dr. T.K. Rajasree, Prof & HOD

Guide for Poster presentation in National Conferences
Variation of Sciatic nerve Case report of Right Vesico-Ureteral reflux.
Variation in Formation of median Nerve
Variation in Orgin of Left circumflex femoral Artery.

Guide for Poster Presentation in State Conference
> Rare anomaly of Ureter.
> Esophageal fistula
> A case report of Treacher Collins Syndrome



Physiology is a branch of science that deals with the general concepts and biophysical and biochemical principles that are basic to the function of all the systems. Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. In Human Physiology, we attempt to explain the specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that make it a living being. The very fact that we remain alive is almost beyond our control, for, hunger makes us seek food and fear makes us seek refuge. Sensations of cold make us look for warmth. Other forces cause us to seek fellowship and to reproduce. Thus, the human being is actually an automaton, and the fact that we are sensing, feeling, and knowledgeable beings is part of this automatic sequence of life; these special attributes allow us to exist under widely varying conditions which physiologists term as HOMEOSTASIS.

We feel that the teacher of physiology in a medical school owes it to his or her students, to emphasize those aspects of the subject which will throw light upon functions and disorders and train them well in approach towards the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The physiologist, can, in this way play a part in giving the student and physician a vantage point from which he may gain a rational view of pathological processes”.

Dr. B Kusuma Kumari, M.B.B.S. M.D. Professor & HOD Department of Physiology

   It has a Spacious Hall with 64 Microscopes and accommodates 60 students at a time.
   This Lab is well equipped with modern facilities and accommodates 30 students at a time.
   This lab has a Specious Hall with 16 Kymographs, and accommodates 60 students at a time.
   A library containing 90 books and it has a capacity of 25 members at a time. It is well ventilated.
   Department has 2 Demonstration Rooms with well equipped technology and has modern facilities to take    classes with LCD Projectors, OHP and Computer. It has a Capacity of 90 students at a time.
> PG RESEARCH LABORATORY fully established.



> In medical profession to become Competent, updated Doctors with a humane touch
> In education, to develop internationally competitive professionals with excellent leadership, communication and teamwork skills who can contribute to an exceptional talent pool in India and Abroad.
> In research, to perform scientific research at the highest international levels, integrating cutting-edge multidisciplinary approaches to solving significant problems in biochemistry and allied medical fields.


> To provide a high quality education and learning experience so that our undergraduate students can contribute for the upliftment of society both in India and Abroad the application of innovative teaching methods and emphasis on the development of analytical and critical thinking and problem-solving skills;
> To provide a stimulating, exciting and collaborative scientific environment;
building a rich constructive and competitive atmosphere that will equip our graduates with transferable skills and an awareness of research ethics for development of health care and economy.
• To provide opportunities for career development.
• To contribute to the public understanding of the Biochemistry and molecular medicine..
• Promote quality patient care at Hospital biochemistry lab services

Dr.V Sunanda, HOD & Professor Department of Biochemistry

Click here for detail list of Equipment's


Training the UG students to provide comprehensive knowledge about the mechanisms & cause of the disease in order to enable them to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of diseases.
> To provide necessary laboratory services including Hematology , Clinical pathology, Cytology & Histopathology in the Hospital.
> Conduction of clinicopathological conferences and Academic
> Programs to update the knowledge of our faculty and have a correlation with clinicians.
> Planning to conduct 2 CME’s per year.

Dr.S Srikanth, [MD] Prof & HOD

Department is equipped with 1. Rooms for all the faculty.
2. 2 Demo rooms each with capacity of 90 aided with audiovisual equipment along with TRI (Delta vision) microscope.
3. One Hematology lab with capacity of 90, provided with 90 microscopes along with required equipment.
4. Histopathology lab with a capacity of 90, provided with 90 microscopes along with a Slide Projector, Microscope TRI [Delta vision] & LCD Screen.
5) Museum
• 155 specimens
• 150 catalogues
• Preparation room for mounting the specimens.
6) Dept. Library
• 100 Books and seating facility
7) One Research lab.
8) 155 Charts.
9) 12 pictures of Nobel Laurites

7 ICMR Projects are undertaken.



The staff of this department always strives hard to make the students understand the subject of microbiology. It is prime mission to have many ranks by our students at university examination.


Within a span of 4-5 yrs, this department shall be able to start Post-graduate course. All effects are put in to see that this department will be fully equipped to start P.G courses.

Dr.Sanjeeev D Rao, Prof & HOD


Teaching undergraduate students the subject of pharmacology to give a broad knowledge about the drug and their rational use in medical practice.

Dr.Somnath Motgi MD. HOD & Prof

Laboratory facilities: There is enough equipment for conduction of practical’s in clinical pharmacology, animal experiments are shown by computer simulated technique.Students are given training in writing prescription to common diseases and also trained in problem based learning in clinical cases. Demonstration in animals are done to show the effect of some drugs like muscle relaxants, sedative-hypnotics, analgesics, local anesthetics by using apparatus like Rotarod, Photoactometer, Analgesiometer, etc.
Museum: Equipped with about 350 drug samples arranged system wise. Different drug formulations are also displayed. Fifty four figures and specimens of herbal are also established. Charts depicted of common drug reactions are also displayed. Twenty two pictures of scientist involved in the progress and development of medicine and allied subjects are displayed in the section of history of medicine. These will be a source of inspiration for the young medical students. Catalogues containing information regarding the Drugs and the specimens displayed in the museum are made available.
Research room: The research lab is well equipped with instruments like Rotarod, Poleclimbing apparatus, Analgesiometer, Photoactometer, Convulsiometer, Colorimeter, Histamine chamber etc
Academic activities: Micro teaching sessions for the young medical teachers are regularly done. Journal club meetings once in 15 days to update the knowledge, discuss regarding new drugs are conducted Medical quiz in the pharmacology and seminars by the students are also planned.


The broad goal of the teaching of under graduate students in the community medicine is to prepare them to function as community and first level physicians in accordance with the institutional goals.

Dr.Prashant Ramdas Kokiwar, HOD & Prof
Lab Facilities
a. All equipments as per MCI guidelines are available.